The Power of Declaring!
In Job 22:23 it says that when we turn to the Almighty and declare a thing, it will be established. Declarations release a spiritual force that takes things from the supernatural realm and brings them into our natural world. Like when Father spoke to the void and formless world, light appeared and life of all types began to cover the earth. Jesus said that if we would speak to the mountains, they would obey us.
Intentionally speaking Father’s truths found in His Word over ourselves, circumstances, and other people will build our faith and experience all that Jesus won for us. There is power in our tongue as we speak His Word from our heart. Speak these declarations and allow them to transform your heart and brain and impact the world around you!
- Speak these declarations out loud from your heart.
- Meditate on each declaration and allow Father to make them real in your heart.
- Allow the declarations to help you see yourself as His beloved son or daughter.
- I live in a place of intimacy with my Father and rest in the finished work that Jesus did for me.
- I live at home with my Father secure, loved, valued, totally accepted and affirmed by Him.
- I look into my Father's eyes and see His pleasure in me.
- I am receiving and reigning from that place of rest.
- I look to Jesus and live at rest with Him flowing in the unforced rhythems of grace.
- I stay at rest despite of all the things that are shaking around me!
- Father is helping me fully become His resting place from which I receive everything He has for me. - His fullness and abundance.
- I reign over the negatives in the world around me!