About Rick
It has been an exciting, and sometimes difficult, journey walking free from the bondage of an Orphan lifestyle that I lived in for the first 50 years into the glorious freedom of being one of Father’s beloved sons. I never knew what I was missing trapped in the addictions of pornography and masturbation, low self-esteem, all kinds of fears, and the wounds in my heart from my childhood. Over the past 16 years Father has filled my heart with His comforting love, freed me from all addictions and fears, released my emotions and feelings, and helped me experience His love, joy, and peace. Joy, laughter, and love now fill my heart for Him and other people!
I had a difficult childhood with a passive father who had an explosive anger and a very controlling mother. I was an “obedient” son out of fear, not out of love and respect for my parents. My brothers introduced me to pornography and masturbation when I was 11 and those addictions became my way of coping with the pain and loneliness in my life. I withdrew my emotions and feelings and had only one truly close friend. I met Sue in my senior year of high school, and we married before my senior year of college.
Although I grew up in the Methodist church and had a Godly mother, I did not accept Jesus as my Savior until my senior year of college through Campus Crusade for Christ. When I invited Jesus Christ into my heart, it was like a thousand pound weight was lifted off of my shoulders. Even though I received a lot of freedom that night, I still did not make Him Lord over my life. My secret life of addiction to pornography, voyeurism, fantasy lust, and masturbation continued. The following 34 years were a frustrating, shame-filled rollercoaster trip of experiencing some freedom only to fall back into the addictions again. The addictions also strained my relationship with Sue and our boys.
I thank Father for Sue who never gave up on our marriage and kept praying for me. Looking back, I see the handprint of Father bringing me to someone who helped break the pornography off me, several ministries that taught me the Word and how to walk by faith, a speaker who prayed for me to receive the Holy Spirit, and friends who introduced me to the teachings of Jack Frost, Fatherheart Ministries, and the Father’s Love.
Through three conferences with Jack Frost and a week at Shiloh Place in South Carolina, I received much healing in my heart from a lot of my childhood pain and discovered a heavenly Father who loved me just the way I was. The addictions seemed to just melt away as I began to receive more and more of His love. Fatherheart Ministries has given me a deeper understanding in my heart of Father’s love for me as His son and walking in sonship.
The most recent growth and healing of my heart has come through Heart Sync ministry with our friend Pat. As Jesus has healed the broken parts of my heart and controls more and more of my heart, I have discovered a new freedom from my past and being able to live in peace and rest. I am also learning the importance of joy in my life and developing the brain skills necessary for better relationships with others. This has greatly improved my relationship with Sue, our family, and friends.
It has been an exciting adventure getting free from the past mistakes and discovering a life full of joy, love, and laughter. It’s given me a compassion for the lost and hurting people I meet or see every day. I know that there is a lot more Daddy wants to do in me, but I can’t wait to see me this time next year!